JFA's Warped(?)-Humor Page

The political humor pieces are outdated and may be meaningless to many people since all these were written years ago.


Why Humans Like Dogs: Have you ever wondered why almost everybody likes dogs, why even babies usually show a fondness for dogs? Well, it isn't as if we really have a choice; we were selectively bred to be dogs' friends. . . .

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: . . . . A little birdie flies through an uninhabited meadow each day and does what little birdies sometimes do. . . .

Intelligent Design
Dear Scientific American editor,
I must say that I'm really getting tired of this flap over special creation, intelligent design, and evolution of species. Darned right, I designed humans, using my own form as the pattern, . . . .

The Wild, Wild West: Have you ever wondered why so many movies about the wild west show a piano in the local saloon? . . . .

Historical Indeterminacy -- Why Things Change: . . . scholars have mistaken cause and effect. The fading of information is not causing our knowledge of a moment in the past to become fuzzier; instead the increasing distance from that moment in the past causes the past itself to become fuzzier and, of course, reduces the available information about this moment in the past. Only the present moment is fixed. . . .

The Tales

Bush 2008

Breaking News: Bush decides to run in 2008!

Bill Clinton agrees whole-heartedly with his logic!

Decisions, Decisions

Really on the Horns of a Dilemma

Humans and Dogs

Why Humans Love Dogs

Do we really have a choice?

Heisenberg Principle

That's why it happens!

Intelligent Design

Letter to Scientific American

The final word!>

Success Story

Local Guy and Gal Succeed in Business

If you're so smart,
why aren't you rich?

A Western

The Wild, Wild West

How the west should have been won!

Bill of Rights

Report on the Bill of Rights

Or not!

Why Things Change

Historical Indeterminacy

Yes, you might be remembering correctly!


Note: not all articles have excerpts as shown here.