Foundry Hill Cemetery

If a married female's maiden name does not appear on the gravestone, I have made an effort to list her again under her maiden name and to link that name to the gravestone for her. I suspect that I have sometimes failed.

Some of the data that I present here are conclusions based on long-term investigation and may sometimes be incorrect. If the data are used elsewhere, please provide information about how it came about, and don't quote my conclusions as fact.

Alice Victory Alexander
Beatrice Alexander
Benford D. Alexander
Benford Squire Alexander
Berry Alexander
C. F. Alexander (Carroll Alexander)
Christopher Lee Alexander
Daisy Mae Alexander
Desiree Alexander
Emily Jane Alexander
Floyd Alexander
Frank Alexander
Fronie B. Alexander
Gertie Alexander
Goldie I. Alexander
Herbert Alexander
Isaac Priestly Alexander
J. B. Alexander (Initials only)
Jo Nell Alexander
Joe L. Alexander
John W. Alexander
John Priestly Alexander
Johnnie R. Alexander
Johnnie M. Alexander
Jolee Alexander
Joseph R. Alexander
Juanita Alexander
Lena Alexander
Leroy Alexander
Lieu Alexander
Lillian M. Alexander
Linda K. Alexander
Louise Moody Alexander
Lula H. Mohundro Alexander
Malon Noah Alexander
Mary E. Gore Alexander
Mary E. Alexander
Mozelle Alexander
N. C. "Tiny" Alexander
Noah Alexander
Nolan Cayce Alexander
Ocie Alexander
Ollie B. Alexander
Page Alexander
Queen Victoria Alexander
Raymond D. Alexander
Richard Alexander
Ruth C. Alexander
Ruth F. Jones Alexander
Sarah Alexander
Thomas R. Alexander
Tolly E. Alexander
William T. Alexander
George Washington Arnn
Lisa Banks
Raymond Barrett
Mozelle Barrett
Albert Bazzell
Annie Lue Bazzell
Donnie Bazzell
Gertie Bazzell
Charley Bennett
Charlie Alvis Bennett
Clarabelle Bennett
Hettie Cecil Bennett
Nancy V. Bennett
William H. Bennett
Artie Berkley
Clydous Berkley
Lee Berkley
Leon Berkley
Lucy Ann Berkley
Mary Lucille Berkley
Nancy V Berkley
Virginia Mae Berkley
Hazel Stevens Bridges
Sharon Diane Bridges
William Dale Bridges
William Elroy Bridges
Stephen A. Brizendine/Brisendine
Curtis A. Burnett
Elbert Camper
Lewis Capps
Pearl Capps
Thomas Chamness, Jr
Donnie Harold Chilcutt
Alonzo Cole
Jolee Cole
William W. Cole
Annie Laura Darnell
J. C. Darnell
Mary B. Wall Darnell
Goldie Dunlap
Wayne H. Dyson
Amy B. Dyson
George Michael Evans
Lisa Banks Evans
Betty Fairchild
Bell Fergeson
C. Everett Ferguson
Herman L. Flowers
Clementine Gallimore
Terry Glenn Gibson
Alice V. Gore
Calley McClure Gore
George T. Gore
Ethel Gore
Ike Gore
Lena Gore
Louise Isabella Gore
Thomas Gore
Eddie E. Griffin
Maurice Griffin
Bryna M. Grooms
James H. Grooms
Scarlet Teresa Grooms
Erah May Guthrie
Lynnville S. Hancock
Artie Hasting
Bill Henderson
Billy Joe Henderson
Don A Henderson Jr
Donald Alex Henderson
Frank Henderson
Houston Henderson
John J. Henderson
Lona Mae Henderson
Luther Henderson
Mary Ann W. Henderson (Dovey Ann)
Ora Lee Henderson
Rebecca Henderson
Repsie Lamb Henderson
T. Bob Henderson
Cleah Walker Hillier
Bill M. Hinchey
Daisy Hinchey
Geneva Hinchey
Julian C. Holley
Jo Nell Holley
Ruth Calvin Hooper
Thomas Allen Hubbard
Moody Joel Hubbard
Wendell Lee Hubbard
Charlie Jimerson
Charles H. Jimerson
Ethel Jimerson
James T. Jobe
Hetty A. Jobe (known as Nanny)
R. H. "Bert" Jobe (Robert)
Nellie B. Jobe
Opal Elwanda Jobe
Vida June Jobe
Edwin Jobe
Beulah M. Johnson
James F. Johnson
Lillian Johnson
Luebene Johnson
Mirtie Irene Johnson
Sylvester Johnson
Willis Mathis Johnson
Ruth Franklin Jones
Thomas J. Jones
Tommy Kincheloe
Mary Kincheloe
Cleve Kirkland
Hawley B. Lasater
Harmon L. Lasater
Jesse J. Lasater
Joseph A. Lasiter/Lasater
Major E. Lasater
Mary Cole Lasater
Mary C. Lasater
Bonnie B. Long
Robert E. Lowe
Johnnie Manning
J. N. Mitchell
Mary A. Phillips Mitchell
Bessie Mohundro
Crawford Mohundro
Dora M. Mohundro
E. Harold Mohundro
Geneva Mohundro
Horace Mohundro
Horace Edward Mohundro
James H. Mohundro (Howard)
James A. Mohundro
James W. Mohundro
Rita Mohundro
Robert W. Mohundro
Shirley J. Mohundro
Virgie M. Mohundro
Walter S. Mohundro
Willie Tyler Mohundro
Wilton Mohundro
Louise Moody
Betty Lasater Morris
Edward Lee Morris
Bernice L. Nance
James A. Nance
Juanita Nance
Sarah Norwood
Billie O'Neal
Martha O'Neal
Elsie Mae Overby
Calvin Overcast
Cicero Overcast
Dora M. Overcast
Joe Hal Overcast
John Calvin Overcast
Martha Overcast
Sallie A. Overcast
Shirley J. Overcast
Virginia Mae Overcast
Lucille Henderson Pafford
Desiree A. Paschall
Edith Z. Paschall
Hazel Paschall
J. T. Paschall
Rebecca Paschall
T. W. Paschall
Robert E. Powers
Tommie Patricia Ramboff
Linda K. Reynolds
Roy Joe Reynolds
Margaret Hudgins Rose
Thomas K. Rose
William A. Ross
Edna Inez Mohundro Rousseau
J./James W. Russell
Viola Tyler Russell
John W. Russell
Annie Russell
Bessie Russell
Tommy W. Simmons
William T. Sledd, Sr
Ida Frances. Sledd
William T. Sledd, Jr
Ed S. Sledd
Zebbie Z. Sledd
Clarence Smith
Crystal Susanne Spears
Queen Victoria Stagner
Verah Steely
Emily Jane Stephens
Bryna M. Stevens
Edith Z. Stevens
Grover C. Stevens
Bettie Jane Steverson
Delia M. Steverson
John Lynton Steverson
Thomas Jefferson Steverson
Everett Tucker
Virgie M. Turner
Adaline Tyler
Angie L. Tyler
Bettie Jane Tyler
Beverly Ann Tyler
Clementine Tyler
Clara Nell Tyler
Elmo Tyler
Eddie Allen Tyler
Edward Tyler
Eula Tyler
Florence Tyler
Hester P. Tyler
Hugh C. Tyler
James W. Tyler
Laura B. Tyler
Lottie Tyler
Noble Tyler
Robert H. Tyler
Sallie A. Tyler
Thomas E. Tyler
Walter Van Buren Tyler
W. R. Tyler
Edward W. Walker
Emmett P. Walker
Jennie Walker
Jim Walker
John B. Walker
Tabitha A. McFadden Walker
Minnie Walker
Ora Lee Walker
Sallie E. Walker
W. R. Walker
Nancy Clementine Wall
Clifford Weter
Rebecca Sledd Weter
Mary Lucille Wimberley