Genealogical Data for John

When I discovered I did not have time to do exhaustive research on every one of my ancestral lines, I concentrated my efforts on a few of the families with the greatest amount of effort going to the Alexanders of Henry County, TN, and their long-recognized relatives in Fayette County, TN, and Loudon (early-on Roane) County, TN. As research progressed, this effort expanded to include all the descendants of James (died 1753, Anson Co., NC) and Ann Alexander. The links to my family data resulting from my research are in the blue area.

I worked secondarily on my mother's family, the Moodys, but I didn't give this effort as much time since Donna (Lewis) Moody had shared her Moody-McCuiston history, which I found backed by careful research, with me. The Moody family history with the link on the left includes my research, that of Donna (with her permission) and a link to that of Fredric Z. Saunders. Donna and Fredric are probably among the most knowledgeable about our Moody family.

I would like to exchange information on the Bradshaws of Henry County, TN, who migrated from VA to TN some time before 1830. I have posted information about the Bradshaws in Tennessee as part of the Smith family history and the Chilcutt family history because the Bradshaws were extremely intertwined with both in the early days. Before coming to Henry County, the Bradshaws made their homes briefly in Montgomery County, TN, but I know almost nothing about them before their move to TN.

I have begun the posting of data I have accumulated on the Chilcutts of Henry County, TN. Other researchers, including Donna Moody (above), traced this family back from TN to NC and VA several years ago; however, my early research began with them after they reached Stewart County and Henry County and followed them forward. The family head with whom I now begin is Anthony, the immigrant, and I have concentrated on Anthony's descendant and my ancestor, Joshua, and his wife Elizabeth.

The Gores of Henry County, Franklin County, Lincoln County, and Moore County, TN are so intimately tied to the Alexanders that my Alexander history necessarily covers them in some detail. These Gores all descend from Thomas L. Gore, Sr., of Union County and Spartanburg County, SC, and Franklin County, and Henry County, TN. If she approves, I'll provide a link to a researcher who has more and better data than I on the Gore family before Thomas, as well as data on Thomas's brother Joshua and his descendants.

The McMillins (sometimes spelled McMillans) are associated with the Alexander family in Spartanburg, SC, and in western KY. These McMillins descend from William McMillin from Spartanburg County, SC, and Logan County, KY, where he died in 1810. Although my McMillin data are sparse, I know that Matthew and William Alexander married William McMillin's daughters Eleanor and Esther, and Matthew's son Thomas married his cousin Elizabeth, who seems to have the spelling of McMillan most often.

The Mortons of Henry County, TN descend from George and Elizabeth (McSwain) Morton, who migrated to Henry County from Montgomery County, NC, shortly before 1840. Another Morton family, that of John and Sarah (Duke) Morton, came to Henry County from Montgomery County, NC, at about the same time and is probably related.

My Powel(l)s of Henry County and Benton County, TN descend from Allenson Powel(l), Sr., who was apparently the son of John Powel(l) of Edgecombe County (and perhaps Nash County and Rowan County), NC, and the grandson of William Powel(l) of there and VA.

Data on my Smiths of Henry County, TN, and various counties in MO are already posted. These individuals descend from Henry Smith and his wife Susannah (surname probably Bradshaw), who were born in VA and were probably in TN by 1820. Henry and Susannah had several children born in Henry County, but most went to MO and were accompanpied by Susannah after Henry's death. My Samuel Smith remained in Henry County.

I have done some research on the Stagners of Henry County, TN, who may descend from John Barney Stagner, originally named Johann Bernhardt Stagner, an immigrant from Germany before the American Revolution, I refer researchers to the work of Johnny Walker for more-complete data. The Henry County Stagners were almost all descended from Talbert and Malinda (Mathis) Stagner, both born shortly after 1800. Talbert and his brother Henry were sons of John Stagner (but not the John who lived in Warren County, KY), who was very, very likely part of the family of John Barney.

My Stephenses of Henry County, TN descend primarily from Edward Stephens and the brothers John S. and Eli A. Stephens and, perhaps, another Stephens brother or cousin, all of whom moved to TN from SC. John and Eli were married to Gore sisters, and Edward may have been their father, cousin, or much-older brother. My ancestor Emily Jane (Stephens) Alexander, Aditha (Stephens) Alexander, and Olive (Stephens) Shell belonged to this family, but I haven't tied them to definite spots in the familiy as yet. Atlhough the relationship is very uncertain, there are also a few NC-derived Stephenses, mostly the family of Fielding Stephens, who may be related to the other Stephenses.

My Adams family of Calloway and Graves Counties of KY and Henry County of TN have been thoroughly investigated by Linda Monticelli, who shared information with me, but I have not yet pieced it all together. She appears as LFMonticelli on, and you can probably find her contact information there although she does not have family data posted. She may have found different information at this point, but it seems that our Adams family, as known, began with Nicholas, born about 1699 in Baden, Germany. Linda's parents belong to the Lamb family and the Adams family, and I have family ties to both. The family came down to William Adams who came to Calloway Co., KY, from the Carolina colonies, and his father may have been a man named John Adams.

I recently added my Siddle/Siddall family to the groups on which I have done a fair amount of research and have posted an incomplete family tree beginning with brothers John and Henry who were brought to Bucks County, PA, shortly after William Penn founded the American colony for Quakers. Although some claim, possibly correctly, that Henry was a servant in Penn's household until released from his bond, I have found no records supporting this claim. I posted my tree because I found that my first colonial grandmother, John's wife Abigail, was almost universally identified as Abigail Mattern. This mis-identification came about due to the confusion of John Siddal/Siddel with John Bettle who was married to Abigail Mattern. I have posted records proving that the men were not the same and that their Abigails were different women.

Val and I have noted that she has Alexander ancestors; however, they are from the family of Joseph Lowery Alexander and Margaret Tate, whose daughter Nancy was Val's several-times-great grandmother. YDNA evidence shows that this family and my family are not related. The links on the page from which you came here will get you to her pages on the Grizzles, the Dysarts, and the Alexanders, plus a few related families.