Sarah Siddall, Daughter of John and Hester
Sarah was not mentioned by name in her father's will that was proved in 1798, but her husband Ephraim Noel was mentioned several times as John's son in law. Sarah may have been deceased by September 1798, and, if not, she died not too long afterward since Ephraim remarried in 1803.
North Carolina, County Marriages, 1762-1979, database FamilySearch ( Ephraim Noel and Nancy Boman, 13 Dec 1803; citing Caswell, North Carolina, United States, p. , North Carolina State Archives Division of Archives and History; FHL microfilm.
Record of Marriage for Sarah Siddel and Ephraim Noel, 27 December 1787
Record of Marriage for Sarah Siddel and Ephraim Noel, 27 December 1787