Jesse Siddall, Son of John and Hester

Jesse served in the Virginia army or militia during the Revolutionary War and was a sergeant in 1777. The almost illegible log below shows that he was absent for one week in October of that year, but there is no mention of his being away without leave or having deserted.

Jesse's two offspring in the will were Rebecca married to Nathaniel Shotwell, and an unidentified daughter who was married to Richard Head. The Shotwells had a son named Jesse Shotwell plus two other unidentified children. Richard Head was deceased by 1828, and Jesse's daughter was probably also deceased since her name was not mentioned in the will. Although Richard Head's children are not provided names in the will, one of the daughters was probably Clarissa Head, who married Reuben Landrum in 1807 in Edgefield District, SC, according to, South Carolina Compiled Marriage Index, 1641-1965.

The will was written and witnessed 22 April 1822, and Jesse had apparently died by 21 July 1828 when the will was proved and recorded on page 375 of Will Book A of Anderson District, South Carolina.