The ranges of age reported on federal cenuses from 1810 through 1840 fit fairly well with the age of 71 reported on the 1850 census, which provides a basis for estimating Ira's birth date as being between 1775 and 1779. All censuses were in Caswell County, NC: 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1850. In 1850, the first census for such information, he gave Virginia as his birthplace, and this is cosistent with statements by his brothers Stephen and Jesse.
Ira married Polly Smith 2 November 1805 in Caswell County. [
The only child whose name I have been able to ascertain was a son named Jesse, born about 1824 or 1825. He apparently did not survive service in the Civil War, and I have found no record of marriage for him. Even if early censuses that didn't list names or relationships are discounted, there was likely at least one more child, a daughter Cloe. I found a marriage record in Caswell County, NC, where Ira and family lived, for Cloe Siddle and James Cash, dated 25 May 1830. I discovered also an 1850 census record for James and Cloe Cash, both aged 42, in Itawamba County, MS, an area to which several Siddles relocated when moving west from the Carolinas.
Marriage for Cloe Siddle and James Cobb
Cloe Siddle and James N Cobb
Bond #000014633, issued 25 May 1830
William M Cobb, bondsman; Paul A. Haralson, witness
North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
Caswell County Marriage Bonds Record #01 054
Census Record or James and Cloe Cobb
Itawamba County, Mississippi, page 428B
James Cobb 42
Cloe Cobb 42 (meaning birth likely 1807 or 1808)
James Cobb 16
Sarah Cobb 12
Ellen Cobb 10
Mary Cobb 17