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New Pet Rescue Group

This article first appeared around 2007 or 2008. Big Bud, its co-author and the co-founder of the rescue group, died December 2013, after spending thirteen of his sixteen or more years with us enjoying life and helping us run our household. During much of that time, he was mentor and friend to Texas Pete, Petey, whom he taught the essentials for being a dog and being civilized. Petey became Bud's number-one helper in this rescue effort and took it over after Bud's death, but he lost some of his zest for life upon Bud's demise, and his heart gave out March of 2016. Both Bud and Petey are still with us in spirit and approve the reprint of the article because they want you to know that this rescue effort needs to continue.


As many of you know, Val works with an animal-rescue group, helping to care for and find good homes for abandoned and, often, mistreated animals. A few even know that our senior dog Buddy sometimes questions whether she should devote so much time to the welfare of other animals when his tummy has not been tickled quite to his satisfaction. In general, however, Buddy approves of her helping to improve the lives of other dogs, the entire tribe of which he considers his friends.

A few days ago, however, Buddy and I were discussing whether there are other abandoned pets that no one has thought to rescue. It quickly came to us that, only a few years ago, there was a craze for pet rocks and that, today, nobody ever seems to talk about their pet rocks. We wondered, “Do they no longer have them?” We decided to do some detective work, and, since Buddy likes sniffing out secrets, we extended our investigation to the whole town. We must report that we turned up not a single person in our entire community with a pet rock.

We surmised that all the former owners must have thoughtlessly discarded their no-longer-loved pets and left them to lives of misery. We knew that, barring deliberate destruction or freak accidents, most rocks are long-lived, and we decided there must be millions of these poor abandoned former pets still living, waiting in quiet despair and wondering gloomily when are their owners coming back to get them. Buddy opined that he knew the value of having a human master to perform certain tasks, for example, making doggie cookies, petting when--and only when--he requests it, moving his bed to the exactly correct sunny spot, and taking him out on the leash to patrol the perimeter of his domain, and that he couldn’t help feeling sympathy for these poor rocks who had no human to perform any of these tasks for them. “Those masters must have hearts of stone,” he growled.

To make a long story shorter, Buddy, now calling himself the “Rock Hound,” and I have set up the “Pet Rock Rescue Group,” and, as soon as we can get all the paperwork done for tax-exemption, we will be requesting donations to help us do our work and will be seeking foster parents for the poor homeless rocks that we rescue. Call us if you would like to participate.

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