In the name of God Amen. I Job Siddle of the County of Robertson and State of Tennessee being weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this as my last will in the words following to wit,
First I leave unto my beloved wife Lydia Siddle durin her natural life or widowhood fifty acres of land being part of the hundred acre tract on which I now live to include the dwelling house and other improvements as my executor hereafter named shall think best. Also one negro girl named Tilda and one brown man called Dominac??. Also two cows and six hogs first choice of my stock four sheep and one bed furniture? to be for her maintenance so long as she remains my widow and on her death or marriage the above named property to be sold and equally divided among my children which will be named hereafter.
Item I give unto my son Job Siddle one brown stud colt called Darby also my saddle (can't make out the one or two words).
Item I give to my three daughters Betsy, Sally, and Nancy my three other beds and furniture to be equally divided among them also twenty dollars cash in money.
Item My will and desire is that my executor should (or shall--unsure) purchase out of the proceeds of my estate a bed and furniture for my daughter Patsey of equal value to one of those above named and also twenty dollars in money.
Item I give unto my three sons Joshua, Samuel & Job all my wheel right (wheelwright) tools to be equally divided amongst them. Item My will and desire is that all of my estate that is not above named both real and personal shall be sold at public auction and after the payment of my just debts and the donations? before named in money that the net? proceeds be equally divided among all my children to wit, Joshua Siddle, Esther Alexander, Judith Alexander, Samuel Siddle, Betsey Siddle, Sally Siddle, Job Siddle ("and" struck through) Nancy Siddle, and Patsey Siddle.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my trusty friend James Guinn (I believe correct) the whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. In (--) whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of October eighteen hundren and twenty.
test Paton Williams (his mark Xed) (Signed by) Job Siddall (SEAL)
James Guinn
Robertson County Court November Term 1820
The last will and testament of Job Siddall was proven in open court by the oath of James Guinn and Payton Williams subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Test Wm Seal (unsure) C Clk (Court Clerk, but I'm unsure that it was C Clk)
Note that Patsy Siddall's name is not on this list. Since she was between 10 and 15 in August 1820, she was likely too young to register as a buyer.
Brittan Barnes (unsure of my translation of name) | ( | meaning one item bought)
Rich'd Stone? ||
Randolph Britt |||||
James Alexander || (JFA note: Esther's husband)
Thos Mathews |
Andrew Thompson |
David Lollach? |
Charles Roberts |
John Stone |
Samuel Siddall |
James Byrne? |||||
Peter Wynn |
Bazel Rose |
Lydia Siddall |||
Samuel Siddall ||||| |
Josiah *yde |
Wm Fuller
Archibald Marshal
Joshua Siddall ||||| |
James Eddings
Wm Murry?
Nancy Siddall ||||
James C Alexander ||||| || (JFA note: Judith's husband, my ancestor)
Matthew Alexander || (JFA note: Father of James, Robert, and probably William; he had both a brother and a son named William.)
Sally Siddall ||||| ||||
Ovel Rose
John Watkins
Robert Alexander | (JFA note: brother of James Alexander)
Alexander B Porter
Richard Qualls
Thompson Porter
Joel Vaughan
Robt Draughan
Thomas Cox
Gabriel Martin
Jacob Miles
Robertson Stratton
William Alexander (JFA note: probably James's brother, but possibly James C's father if still living)
H Damewood
Alfred Ray
Alexr Miles
Nancy Siddall
Joseph Fi?er(s)/Thi?er(s)
William Hubbard
John (Rose or Ross)
Elijah Henly (JFA note: I believe this is the man who later married Elizabeth "Betsy" Siddaall
Alexander Guinn
Abner Qualls
Betsey Siddall