All that is absolutely necessary to produce html is the following:
You can write a few words or many words. You can't add images or many other things that are possible with HRML since that would require some styling.

When run as HTML, this would produce the text you wrote, nothing else. The international group that sets stands for HTML recommends strongly that an HTML file should begin with <!DOCTYPE html>, and, if you want anything other than plain text, you will need some styling rules. This would be added as a style section and produce:
<!DOCTYPE html>

This will work quite well, but, as you gett more deeply into coding HTML, for example making the page look as you want it to appear, you will need other information added. The international group recommends the addition of a section called head to contain information in the body of the HTML, and this leads to the idea that you may want to include a section called body. Although naming this section can usually be omitted without problems, I recommend including the name as below. The basic sections of an HTML file will then be:
<!DOCTYPE html>

We are now ready to fill in some of those sections. To make different parts of the body look different or function differently, we will need to different divisions, and those will, and the standards group recommends using the name div.

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